Demi Dasani
View ProfileMora
Incalls and outcalls available in the Madison area for more info on my you and simply head
View ProfileJolie1368
View ProfileA guy on the phone said something to the effect of photos were not accessible and stuff. As I went on my phone to check it out thoughts of how incredibly slow my internet was yesterday. Then it wasn't my pictures, but my writing. I tapped on the dot then c-o-m, pressed enter and immediately got confirmation. A blank page and nothing else on the site that I use to work on my site means there is no more of my site . I put a lot of effort, time, thinking, researching, to make my own site something to show off and brag about. Without notice or anything, years of commitment, just gone. I wiped my face with my hand to dry the tears that had already escaped and made it to the bottom of my face. I can't believe my site is gone. I'm sure a lot of other girls are going thru the same with their sites being gone, but I just can't believe it. It wasn't just to advertise. My site just meant a whole lot to me and now it's gone. Read More
I noticed that some sites are now closed down and that may be just the beginning. I've heard so many things about this bill being passed. So does this mean it's going to be a law ? What are the consequences of not obeying ? This has the potential to be so devastating. Surely, I'm not the only one thatst really concerned and worried about this. Does anyone know a way to work around this? I would really appreciate any suggestions on what to do. Read More